Learning Disabilities Support
Our Support to You
The surgery holds a register of patients with a learning disability.
Anyone on the register over the age of 14 will be offered an annual learning disability health check. This is an appointment which helps you to stay healthy and to pick up any medical problems you may have at an early stage.
You may have more than one appointment – to see one of our nursing team to check your height, weight and blood pressure – or may just see a clinician to talk about your health.
If you think you should be on this register then please contact the surgery and we can check for you and add your name to the register if appropriate.
My Health Questions
Prior to the annual learning disability health check, we would like our patients or their carers to complete the 'my health questions' which you can download and print for the clinician.
Easy Read Patient Leaflets
Different people need different tests. You might not understand what will happen at this test or how to undertake this test. These leaflets can help. If you are invited to attend for one of the tests below you may like to read about it first:
National and Local Charities That can Provide Advice and Support
The following charities have a wide range of advice and support on offer for patients and carers:
- Mencap https://www.mencap.org.uk/
- Mind Mind support and information
- Learning Disability England https://www.learningdisabilityengland.org.uk/
- Change https://www.changepeople.org/
- National Autistic Society https://www.autism.org.uk/
- North Worcestershire Autism Parents Support Group
- Autism West Midlands : www.autismwestmidlands.org.uk/
- Autism Support Helpline (Nationwide support) : 0800 031 5445 (Mon-Thurs 9am – 8pm and Fri 9am – 5pm)
- The Challenging Behaviour Foundation Trust : www.challengingbehaviour.org.uk
- Family Lives – a national family support charity providing help and support in all aspects of family life
- Confidential Helpline Service : 0808 800 2222
- SEND Information, Advice and Support Service in Worcestershire https://www.hwsendiass.co.uk/
Community Learning Disability Team
We are an integrated health and social care team providing a comprehensive community service to adults with a learning disability living within the Bromsgrove and Redditch areas of Worcestershire.
Access Centre Adult and Community Services
Telephone: 01905 768053
Bromsgrove/Redditch team base
Telephone: 01905 488555