PPG Educational Events

March 2025
New Road Surgery Patient Participation Group (NRSPPG) are pleased to announce details of the next educational talk which is entitled "Cues for Changing Behaviour Towards Achieving a Healthier Lifestyle” 
Psychological research investigating indirect methods (e.g., nudge) to change health behaviours, such as increasing physical activity, improving healthier food choices, and purchasing behaviour, has flourished in recent years. From moving your biscuits to the top shelf (adjusting your physical surroundings) to adding a new smell to the environment (using sensory cues), indirect methods of changing health behaviour involve diverse strategies that can be applied cross-culturally with great success. 
In this session, Dr Felix Why (University of Worcester - UK) presents ideas based on research to showcase how indirect methods can be incorporated into one’s work and home environment to change health behaviours.
The talk will take place in the Boardroom at New Road Surgery on Wednesday, 19 March at 6pm.
If you would like to attend, please email newrdppg@gmail.com stating the number of seats you require.
Kind regards
The Committee NRSPPG