Travel Health
Do you need Vaccinations?
If you are planning to travel, here are a list of things you need to do:
- Print out and read the Fit For Travel information for every country and destination you are planning to visit see
- Complete this form - Travel Health Form - complete one form per traveller and submit them to the surgery AT LEAST 8 WEEKS BEFORE YOU TRAVEL
- When you return the form we will arrange a telephone appointment in our Travel Clinic
- A face to face appointment will be booked after your telephone consultation if any vaccinations are required
Please telephone the surgery to make an appointment - If you are travelling at short notice (or leave things to the last minute!) it is unlikely that we will be able to assess the risks of your personal travel itinerary and provide you with the necessary advice or vaccines
- Alternatively you can arrange a private appointment with either MASTA 0330 100 4200 or BOOTS 0345 301 4219 or look on line for other local clinics
Please click here to find more details for specific vacinations for your chosen destination.
Further Travel Information
The following websites will give you additional travel advice
Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice
EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card
Travel Vaccination Prices
Some travel vaccines are not available on the NHS. These incur a charge. Please click here to download and view our charges.
Some anti-malarial tablets are available for you to purchase from a pharmacy.
Please note: the surgery does not provide prescriptions for anti-malarials, either NHS or Private, including for those under 18. If you require this service please contact a local travel clinic – details above.